Welcome to my blog

Hello world! I've been wanting to start a blog since a long time ago. But now I got a chance to build this blog. I will write around the topic of frontend development and tech in general. Lately, I am interested to explore public policy in tech and science and how is the current practice in Indonesia. So maybe there will be a few writings around this topic as well.

About this blog

I was inspired by this writing written by Lea Verou. She moved her blog from WP to 11ty. Looking at 11ty at a glance, it looks simple and ligthweight. I've been in a journey of trying to find the perfect CMS system, probably headless, to create a blog page. But with 11ty I don't need to drown myself in the sea of endless options of headless CMSes. With 11ty I can write my blog quickly in a markdown format, push it to Github, and that's it!

To format the code syntax, I use this lightweight plugin Prism, again, created by amazing Lea Verou. Talking about Lea, I've been her follower since I was a teenager probably. When I started learning about web development and the magic of CSS. I found out she was very inspiring, and she is still until now. A passionate developer who contributes a lot to the frontend development world. Cheers to you Lea!

For the comment section, I found out Disqus is the quickest and best option. The only thing that I'm a bit concern of is the reaction section. It is not in align with the clean theme that I want to bring on this page. I can't find a way to disable it in the admin settings. I think the only way to disable it is by using Disqus API or manually remove reactions in each post's plugin settings. If you have any suggestion of any free commenting tool alternative, or how to disable the reaction, please put your comment down below!